Monday, June 1, 2015

Billionaire Gambler mission

Are you dreaming about being BILLIONAIRE but couldn't find the suitable way? You have the capital but you don't know where to invest? Want to be a BILLIONAIRE with less effort? 

We are the science of getting rich. It was never so easy before. We provide the easiest and proven methods of getting rich with less effort. 

We are the answers of your questions. We can guide you with our 'SURE SUCCESS' methods.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mr. Burns business tips

Mr. Burns: "I'll bide my time. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Mr. Burns: "Look Smithers, a blue-collar bar. Let's go slumming."

Mr. Burns: "This is the type of trickery I pay you for."

Mr. Burns, after turning on his lamp: "Ahh!! 60 watts? 
What do you think this is, a tanning salon!?!"

Mr. Burns: "What good is money if you can't use it to strike fear into the hearts of men."

Mr. Burns: "It's ironic, that this anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail! That's democracy for you."

Mr. Burns: "Oh, so mother nature needs a favor? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys."

Mr. Burns: "I don't have the strength to take it out on you, Smithers."

Mr. Burns: "I'll keep it short and sweet. Family. Religion. Friendship.
These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."

Mr. Burns: "Cheating is the gift man gives himself."

Mr. Burns: "My voice is giving out so I'm going to poke you for an hour or two."

Mr. Burns: "You sold weapon-grade plutoneum to the Iraqies without a mark up."

Mr Burns: "Oh, yes, sitting---the great leveler.
From the mighiest pharoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"

Mr. Burns: "Restore my office, cancel all repairs,
and rehire that chap (Homer Simpson) who sassed me in the bar."

Smithers: "But why?"
Mr. Burns: "Because I keep my friends close, and my enemies even closer."

Smithers: "There is a small boy on the grounds."
Mr. Burns: "Release the hounds."


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jordan Belfort vs Gordon Gekko


“Of all the drugs under God’s blue heaven, there is one that is my absolute favourite,” he says as the camera trains on DiCaprio cutting an enormous line with his credit card. “Enough of this shit will make you invincible — able to conquer the world and eviscerate your enemies,” he explains, staring at the drug. Unfolding the hundred-dollar bill he’s just used to snort powder up his nose, he clarifies that he’s talking about the money.


Gordon Gekko

  • “The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
  • “What’s worth doing is worth doing for money.”
  • “It’s all about bucks, kid. The rest is conversation.”
  • “Lunch is for wimps.”
  • “We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paperclip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it.”
  • “If you need a friend, get a dog”

Jordan Belfort

  • “Money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better pussy — it also makes you a better person.”
  • “The year I turned 26 I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.”
  • “I am not gonna die sober!”
  • “I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.”
  • “My Ferrari was white like Don Johnson’s in Miami Vice, not red.”


Mitt Romney vs Mr Burns

Capitalism > communism

...still better than communism.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Billionaire Gambler social medias

Are you dreaming about being BILLIONAIRE but couldn't find the suitable way? You have the capital but you don't know where to invest? Want to be a BILLIONAIRE with less effort? 

We are the science of getting rich. It was never so easy before. We provide the easiest and proven methods of getting rich with less effort. 

We are the answers of your questions. We can guide you with our 'SURE SUCCESS' methods.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The 10 Crack Commandments

How The 10 Crack Commandments Aren’t Just For Drugs, But Business Too

A very accurate and inspiring article written by 
When I first heard “Ten Crack Commandments,” I couldn’t have been older than 12.
To be honest, I really had no clue what those commandments meant. I figured the lyrics were full of “drug things” that I’d only understand once I saw “Scarface” a couple times. I was wrong. Well, kind of.
Sure, I started to understand the glaring drug references after watching Al Pacino become Tony Montana, but I also began to see new business analogies arise after becoming a man, myself.
I wrote an article applying themes from the hustler’s mindset to modern business strategy. I realized that if the “Ten Crack Commandments” could act as an anthem for the hustler, it should also be practical in the workplace.
And while Rap Genius does a great job of giving us the street-meaning of his bars, I feel as though there are more meaningful lessons we can take out of his lyrics.
For Biggie, crack meant work.
In fact, that’s why you’ll hear rappers refer to it as so. Here’s why the “Ten Crack Commandments” isn’t just for drugs, but for success too.

1. Never let no one know how much dough you hold

Biggie is saying: Don’t make yourself a target. While he’s actually referring to jealous thugs in the street, and the threat of robbery, this “commandment” is a good life lesson.
Just because you have something, doesn’t mean others have to know. People will always perceive the poor man to be hungrier than the fat cat. In many cases, hunger and ambition are synonymous.

2. Never let them know your next move

Here, BIG is alluding to avoiding getting set up in a drug deal, but it honestly applies to deals of any nature. In most “deals,” two or more parties agree on terms for mutual benefit.
In any good deal, you should strive to maximize your own benefits.
Be unpredictable, yet maintain control. By keeping your business partner guessing, you’ll ultimately gain leverage.
More importantly, you’ll ensure that no one gets too comfortable. That’s when you can grab the steering wheel.

3. Never trust nobody

DTA. Don’t. Trust. Anyone.
This one doesn’t need much explaining. Don’t trust anyone in the streets, don’t trust anyone in the office, don’t trust anyone, anywhere.
After loving someone, the next most powerful emotion you can invest in that person is trust.
Trust is by no means a prerequisite for business, remember that.

4. Never get high on your own supply

Whether in the crack game, or on Wall Street, never lose focus when it comes to your objective. Your resources are there to optimize your business worth, not your personal pleasure.
Getting high is temporary. The worth of your given product’s supply will predict your own future net worth.
Make sure you get the most out of it.

5. Never sell no crack where you rest at

Biggie is illustrating the dangers of mixing your business affairs with your personal life.
In the drug world, if customers aren’t satisfied, they’ll return to where they bought the product… for a resolution. In the crack game, that resolution won’t be peaceful.
Protect yourself, so that work problems remain in the workplace.
After you clock out, remove yourself entirely. If you have a family, spend time with those closest to you. If you have a girlfriend, take her out to dinner.
Make sure that these things don’t interfere with work and, more importantly, matters of work can’t interfere with them.

6. That goddamn credit? Dead it.

Money up front. Always.
In fact, money beforehand is ideal. Never provide someone a service without compensation offered on-sight.
Commandment three tells us not to trust anyone, and this is even more poignant when applied to matters of financial obligation or debt.
In the crack game, a fiend may “pay you back tomorrow.” In the corporate world, a business associate may ask to pay you after a task is completed.
Business operates best when terms are outlined and met beforehand. That way, nothing is left to chance. Whether it be money or quality.

7. Keep your family and business completely separated

Business is cutthroat. Frankly, there are bound to be times throughout your professional career when you‘ll make choices you’re not exactly proud about.
Entrepreneurs survive by creating their own paths and, sometimes, you’ll have to cut down others along the way.
It’s the nature of the business. You’ll operate best when you aren’t forced to watch whose feet you’re stepping on.
Although helping your best friend find work may seem like the right thing to do… if things were to turn sour, you put your relationship at risk.

8. Never keep no weight on you!

The weight Biggie is alluding to in this line is drug-weight, or crack. Along with that type of weight, comes liability.
In this commandment, BIG is warning you to remove yourself from any positions of liability.
In the workplace, competing firms will constantly be searching for ways to bring you or your company down. Protect your ass.

9. If you ain’t getting bagged stay the f*ck from police.

In Biggie’s eyes, the police were the enemy. This obviously won’t transcend to your office, at least not hopefully. Still, the underlying concept will.
Think about it like this: Don’t be seen with the enemy.
For Biggie, being seen talking to the police could foreshadow a “plea bargain.” Maybe for you, talking to a rival company could foreshadow a “new business opportunity.”
Either way, fraternizing with the enemy might make your coworkers question your loyalty. Although you might not have any sneaky intentions, be careful, as it may create the appearance that you do.

10. A strong word called consignment. If you ain’t got the clientele say hell no.

Don’t find yourself in too deep in relation to some business ventures. Know when to say, “Hell no.”
Consignment means “agreeing to pay a supplier after the goods are sold.”
You may be interested in taking out a huge loan in attempt to get your startup off the ground. Make sure you “test the water,” so to speak, before handling business this way.
If you accept a sum of money or utilities to complete a task, and then flop, you’ll find yourself in hot water.
In the crack game, that may cost you your life; in a business sense, you may too find yourself “in a hole” you can’t dig yourself out of, financially.

This article was  written by 

Monday, March 16, 2015

5 Steps to Build a Million-Dollar Business in One Year

Some people go their entire lives without earning a million dollars, so it sounds crazy that some businesses might be able to achieve this milestone within their first year. But it is possible. Plenty of businesses have achieved this goal, and you can too!
Pay attention to the following tips and use them to help power up your revenue growth:

1. Find a growing market

One of the easiest ways to build a million-dollar company in such a short period of time is to find a growing trend and ride it to the top. Take the example of Micah Adler, CEO of mobile app developer Fiksu, which grew from less than $1 million to $100 million in just three and a half years -- with only $17.6 million in venture capital -- following its 2010 launch.
Certainly, Adler’s success comes in part from building great products, but it also comes from his timing. In 2012, just two years after Fiksu’s launch, mobile-app development represented $19 billion in revenue and was experiencing annual growth of more than 60 percent a year. Finding a growing market of your own like this can put you on the fast track to massive revenue growth.

2. Think monetization from the start

It seems strange to think about objectively, but some startups start without any obvious monetization strategies. Twitter is one example of this phenomenon, but there are countless other companies out there building up their free user bases, hoping that inspiration -- and, consequently, financial stability -- will strike along the way.
If you want to grow a million-dollar company in your first year, you can’t afford to think that way!
Most profitable companies operate from one of two models: either they sell a lot of inexpensive products to a lot of people or they sell a few big-ticket items to a more limited buyer list. Neither model is easier or inherently better than the other. What’s more important than choosing is having a defined plan for monetization. Knowing how you’ll make money from the start will prevent wasted time spent hoping that something profitable will come together for you.

3. Be the best

There are plenty of mediocre products out there, but the odds are good that these companies aren’t making a million dollars or more during their first years. If you want to hit these big potential profits, you’ve got to bring something to the table that wows customers and generates buzz within your marketplace.
How can you tell if you’ve got a “best in breed” product? Look to your current customers. If you aren’t getting rave reviews online or positive comments sent to your inbox, chances are your clients aren’t as ecstatic about your product as they need to be to hit your target sales. Ask your existing customers what you can do to make your product better and then put their recommendations into place. They’ll appreciate your efforts and will go on to refer further sales to you in the future.

4. Hire all-stars

Hitting $1 million in revenue during your first year is no small feat, and you certainly aren’t going to achieve this goal with a team of underperformers. Yes, hiring these people will be cheaper and easier, but you’ll pay for this convenience when your end-of-the-year sales numbers come up short.
Instead, you need to hire all-stars, and the fastest way to do this is to ask around for referrals. Pay particular attention to the sales hires you make, as these key employees stand to make the biggest difference in your business’s bottom line. Get them on the bus and then encourage them to do whatever is necessary to close deals (pro tip: a good series of incentives won’t hurt!).

5. Consume data

Finally, if you want to shoot for the revenue moon, you need to be absolutely militant about gathering data and acting on it. When I approach a new marketing project, I prefer to work in short sprints of a few weeks or less where we’ll try something new, check the statistics to see how the changes impacted revenue and then either commit the changes or try a new test.
Do the same with your growing company. You have a veritable gold mine of information just hanging out in your Google Analytics account, so put it to good use by identifying your company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and running tests designed to push these metrics even higher. If you aren’t able to carry out these tests on your own, bring on a rock-star analyst who can help you make sense of your numbers. When every penny counts towards reaching your $1-million-a-year goal, you’ll find these employees to be worth their weight in gold.
Growing a company to $1 million in revenue in your first year isn’t easy, but it is possible. Stick to the tips above and be ruthless about profitability -- even if you don’t hit this particular goal, you’ll earn the strongest sales results possible for your unique company.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Vous voulez vraiment être riche? Quittez votre emploi!

Vous voulez vraiment être riche? Quittez votre emploi!

Vous voulez vraiment être riche? Quittez votre emploi!

La seule façon de faire fortune est de se lancer en affaires..Photo Fotolia

Fanny Bourel

Devenir riche en travaillant? Impossible, selon l'auteur et chroniqueur Jeff Haden. Selon lui, l'entrepreneuriat est le seul moyen de devenir vraiment riche tout en s'accomplissant sur le plan personnel.
C'est sur le site du magazine américain Inc., dont il est l'un des contributeurs, que Jeff Haden a exposé sa démonstration du manque de rentabilité du salariat.
Il considère que cette option est peu intéressante, car c'est comme mettre tout son argent dans le même panier, avec une augmentation annuelle en général faible. Mais surtout, ce revenu peut s'envoler brusquement, pour une raison indépendante de sa volonté et qu'on ne voit parfois pas du tout venir.
«Quand vous travaillez pour quelqu'un d'autre, le potentiel est toujours limité - car oui, vous pouvez toujours être augmenté, mais dans la plupart des cas, de 3 ou 4 % au maximum», écrit-il.
«Cependant, l'inconvénient est toujours sans limite, car être viré ou licencié peut faire disparaître votre revenu du jour au lendemain et, avec lui, les investissements considérables effectués en termes de temps, d'efforts, de dévouement et de sacrifice.»
Le constat de Jeff Haden est donc sans appel: «Potentiel très limité. Risque illimité. [Avoir un emploi] est un très mauvais investissement.»


Pour appuyer son idée, il s'est plongé dans les chiffres du rapport sur 400 déclarations d'impôts des plus gros revenus publié par l'IRS, l'équivalent américain de l'Agence du Revenu du Canada. En 2009, il fallait déclarer un revenu de 77,4 millions $ pour intégrer cette liste.
La part des salaires dans ces revenus ne grimpe qu'à 8,6 % en moyenne. C'est plus que les intérêts (6,6 %) mais moins que les dividendes (13 %). Alors comment ces super-riches ont-il engrangé leur fortune? Grâce aux corporations, à hauteur de 20 %, mais surtout grâce aux gains en capital.
En résumé, travailler pour un salaire, investir dans des placements peu risqués ou dans des actions de grandes entreprises est insuffisant pour devenir vraiment riche.
La seule façon de faire fortune est de se lancer en affaires. D'ailleurs, tous les millionnaires qui occupent la tête du classement de Forbes sont des entrepreneurs.


Pour Jeff Haden, l'entrepreneuriat n'est pas seulement synonyme de richesse mais aussi d'épanouissement personnel. «Tous les entrepreneurs sont allumés quand ils parlent de leur vie d'entrepreneur, car ils se sentent vivants: libres de tracer leur propre voie, de prendre leurs propres décisions, de faire leurs propres erreurs, d'avoir le ciel pour seule limite et pas seulement financièrement, mais aussi, et surtout, personnellement».
Il ajoute que peu importe leur retour sur investissement, ces patrons se sentent vraiment riches, quel que soit leur revenu. »
Jeff Haden livre ainsi un plaidoyer pour se lancer dans le monde des affaires, même si cela signifie créer une petite entreprise qu'on développe tout en gardant son emploi.
Il recommande d'ailleurs de conserver une activité salariée puisqu'il reconnaît que le potentiel de risque est illimité, mais le potentiel sur le plan financier et du bonheur est lui aussi illimité.
«Devenez entrepreneur. C'est le meilleur investissement que vous pouvez faire, car il implique d'investir dans vous-même.»