Showing posts with label drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drugs. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Real-life Limitless NTZ-48

Isn't your brain more important than your muscles?
Isn't your productivity more important than your c*ck?

So why there are so many effective drugs and steroids to build your muscles and enhance your sports performance?

So why viagra and cialis are the real thing that will make an old man's limp member hard, alive and kicking?

Why there isn't STEROIDS for your Brain?

Why there isn't VIAGRA for your Brain?

And why there isn't 100% real stuff to enhance your brain power?

Yes I know there is a lot of bogus gimmick, natural products that are supposed to enhance your brain power. Omega 3, vitamins, etc are jokes!

The One Trillion Dollar question. 

Can you get something close to the Limitless NTZ-48 in real life?
Or even better the CPH4 in Lucy?

Here below are seemingly the most effective and potent Limitless NTZ-48 steroids and viagra for your brain.

  1. Modafinil & noopept. It seem to be the most effective stack.
  2. Modafinil (Armodafinil, Adrafinil). The most talked about brain pill on the market.
  3. Noopept. A lot of mixed opinion about this one.
  4. Dextroamphetamine. ADHD drug with a high potential for addiction.
  5. Adderall. An amphetamine reported as having many unlikely side effects.
  6. Ritalin. A couple of unlikely side effects just like adderall.
  7. Caffeine. A powerful stimulant but caffeine crash isn't funny at all.
  8. Cocaine. Out of question for me. And you shouldn't even call it cocaine since the actual cocaine in a gram of street cocaine is 17% at the very best. Just think about it for a second, the only way to make Money in drug dealing is to cut the stuff in half filling it with cheaper stimulants and almost anything that is white. From Colombia to the United States, there is a lot of people who would have their hands that will touch the merchandise. Bottom line, illegal and non-pharmaceutical products are whack!
  9. Too many ineffective gimmick stuff who are promoted as the real-life Limitless NTZ-48 pills.
  10. Even worse are the ineffective Omega 3, vitamins, etc. There are sure great for your health but they won't make an Einstein out of a moron.

Sources and interesting links:

Just below here is a complete article about nootropics. I've found it on a website that doesn't exist anymore.

Real Life NZT 48 Limitless Pills – Do They Exist?

The nootropics that come close to this fictional drug are broken up into four categories, Stimulants, herbal nootropics, racetams, and ampakine nootropics.
  • Stimulant Nootropics
Stimulant nootropics consist of things like Modafinil, Armodafinil, Adrafinil, Phenylpiracetam, and Sulbutiamine.
These work mainly on the dopamine and norepinephrine receptors of the human brain, and create benefits on overall cognition such as increased focus and memory, greater ability to recall digit spans, greater ability to use logic to deduce coincidences out of your environment, and finally, more energy.
These drugs can have mild crashes and withdrawal symptoms if taken too frequently and in too high of a dosage, and should be used sparingly to mitigate tolerance. On days you choose to use this nootropic, it is smart to supplement both CDP Choline, and L-Tyrosine to help the brain recover from an excess of stimulation.
  • Herbal Nootropics
Herbal nootropics are drugs that include Bacopa Monnieri, Ashwagandha, and Rhodiola Rosea extract. These are also commonly known as adaptogens, and create relaxing, clarity of thought inducing, anxiolytic effects.
While they can help to clear your mind in times of stress, for really getting large amounts of work done, these are best if stacked atop nootropic stimulant drugs.
They can help to minimize unpleasant side effects, and can have a very synergistic effect when taken in proper dosages.
  • Racetam Nootropics
Racetam nootropics include Piracetam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam.
These nootropics act primarily on the brain’s acetylcholine receptors, and help to improve memory, focus, cognition and clarity of thought (though are mainly touted towards the improvement of STM to LTM memory encoding.)
When you take a racetam, unlike a stimulant nootropic drug, expect to feel much more clarity of mind, and to have extremely effective recall when memorizing facts, learning mathematics, or doing a creative task.
  • Ampakine Nootropics
Ampakine nootropics are the strongest type of nootropics readily available, and consist of Sunifiram, Noopept, and Unifiram (though Unifiram is almost never sold.)
These provide extreme euphoria, and are the equivalent of stacking a very high dosage of a stimulant nootropic, with a very high dose of a racetam-type nootropic drug (yet are in doses as low as 5 milligrams per pill in order to feel effects.) Side effects on these are minimal at best, and decrease even further if CDP Choline is supplemented with the nootropic drug.
Common stacks are Phenylpiracetam and Noopept, Sunifiram and Sulbutiamine, and Noopept and Adrafinil (these are all stimulants stacked with ampakine nootropics.)

Was NZT 48 based on Adderall?

Once the film went mainstream, there was speculation that the drug in the film was in fact based on the common prescription amphetamine.
It was in fact based on the novel “The Dark Fields” however, which is a sci-fi thriller that is almost identical to the plot of the film limitless.
And now let’s transition from the world of Limitless and NZT48 into the biggest, fastest growing umbrella of mental potential and mind power products and supplements, NOOTROPICS.

What are Nootropics?

In short, nootropics are a supplemental alternative to Adderall with far less side effects, better mental prowess over the long-term, and that are available over the counter online.
Nootropics don’t carry with them the harsh risk of addiction, tolerance and withdrawal that modern day psychostimulants have (which is one major thing that makes them so popular) and therefore are commonly used by entrepreneurs, college students, and high level finance executives. Nootropics are the perfect supplement for anyone with a rigorous work schedule looking to increase performance.

What is the Most Stimulating Nootropic?

The most stimulating nootropic by far is Modafinil. Modafinil is a schedule IV prescription drug in the United States, yet is very readily available in the nootropics community online by online stores such as Modup  and Modafinilcat.
Shipping is very discreet, and there’s very little actual risk, both sites have been in business for nearly a decade, and secrecy, quality, and speed are their specialties!
How much do nootropics cost?
Nootropics vary in cost from $9.99 to $100 dollars a bottle. Make sure you start slow and build up to avoid any adverse side effects or problems.

Common Side Effects of Nootropics

Common side effects of nootropics include the well-known “racetam headache” which you get from not having enough choline when taking racetam nootropic drugs. A simple CDP Choline capsule will mitigate any unpleasant side effect from this.
Final Thoughts on the Limitless TV Series, and how it relates to nootropics..
With a TV series coming out on a box office hit that was as great as Limitless, nootropics are going to become much more mainstream on par with the popularity of this show. While NZT 48 may not be definitely can become more “Limitless” with the right nootropic cocktails, and a little hard work!  A now defunct website, probably because they didn't sell any placebo pills.

After taking it, I felt like Bradley Cooper in Limitless – “I wasn’t wired, wasn’t high, I was just clear and knew what I needed to do.”   Noopept?? Well? I didn't know that noopept had any effect?!

Friday, May 1, 2015

The 10 Crack Commandments

How The 10 Crack Commandments Aren’t Just For Drugs, But Business Too

A very accurate and inspiring article written by 
When I first heard “Ten Crack Commandments,” I couldn’t have been older than 12.
To be honest, I really had no clue what those commandments meant. I figured the lyrics were full of “drug things” that I’d only understand once I saw “Scarface” a couple times. I was wrong. Well, kind of.
Sure, I started to understand the glaring drug references after watching Al Pacino become Tony Montana, but I also began to see new business analogies arise after becoming a man, myself.
I wrote an article applying themes from the hustler’s mindset to modern business strategy. I realized that if the “Ten Crack Commandments” could act as an anthem for the hustler, it should also be practical in the workplace.
And while Rap Genius does a great job of giving us the street-meaning of his bars, I feel as though there are more meaningful lessons we can take out of his lyrics.
For Biggie, crack meant work.
In fact, that’s why you’ll hear rappers refer to it as so. Here’s why the “Ten Crack Commandments” isn’t just for drugs, but for success too.

1. Never let no one know how much dough you hold

Biggie is saying: Don’t make yourself a target. While he’s actually referring to jealous thugs in the street, and the threat of robbery, this “commandment” is a good life lesson.
Just because you have something, doesn’t mean others have to know. People will always perceive the poor man to be hungrier than the fat cat. In many cases, hunger and ambition are synonymous.

2. Never let them know your next move

Here, BIG is alluding to avoiding getting set up in a drug deal, but it honestly applies to deals of any nature. In most “deals,” two or more parties agree on terms for mutual benefit.
In any good deal, you should strive to maximize your own benefits.
Be unpredictable, yet maintain control. By keeping your business partner guessing, you’ll ultimately gain leverage.
More importantly, you’ll ensure that no one gets too comfortable. That’s when you can grab the steering wheel.

3. Never trust nobody

DTA. Don’t. Trust. Anyone.
This one doesn’t need much explaining. Don’t trust anyone in the streets, don’t trust anyone in the office, don’t trust anyone, anywhere.
After loving someone, the next most powerful emotion you can invest in that person is trust.
Trust is by no means a prerequisite for business, remember that.

4. Never get high on your own supply

Whether in the crack game, or on Wall Street, never lose focus when it comes to your objective. Your resources are there to optimize your business worth, not your personal pleasure.
Getting high is temporary. The worth of your given product’s supply will predict your own future net worth.
Make sure you get the most out of it.

5. Never sell no crack where you rest at

Biggie is illustrating the dangers of mixing your business affairs with your personal life.
In the drug world, if customers aren’t satisfied, they’ll return to where they bought the product… for a resolution. In the crack game, that resolution won’t be peaceful.
Protect yourself, so that work problems remain in the workplace.
After you clock out, remove yourself entirely. If you have a family, spend time with those closest to you. If you have a girlfriend, take her out to dinner.
Make sure that these things don’t interfere with work and, more importantly, matters of work can’t interfere with them.

6. That goddamn credit? Dead it.

Money up front. Always.
In fact, money beforehand is ideal. Never provide someone a service without compensation offered on-sight.
Commandment three tells us not to trust anyone, and this is even more poignant when applied to matters of financial obligation or debt.
In the crack game, a fiend may “pay you back tomorrow.” In the corporate world, a business associate may ask to pay you after a task is completed.
Business operates best when terms are outlined and met beforehand. That way, nothing is left to chance. Whether it be money or quality.

7. Keep your family and business completely separated

Business is cutthroat. Frankly, there are bound to be times throughout your professional career when you‘ll make choices you’re not exactly proud about.
Entrepreneurs survive by creating their own paths and, sometimes, you’ll have to cut down others along the way.
It’s the nature of the business. You’ll operate best when you aren’t forced to watch whose feet you’re stepping on.
Although helping your best friend find work may seem like the right thing to do… if things were to turn sour, you put your relationship at risk.

8. Never keep no weight on you!

The weight Biggie is alluding to in this line is drug-weight, or crack. Along with that type of weight, comes liability.
In this commandment, BIG is warning you to remove yourself from any positions of liability.
In the workplace, competing firms will constantly be searching for ways to bring you or your company down. Protect your ass.

9. If you ain’t getting bagged stay the f*ck from police.

In Biggie’s eyes, the police were the enemy. This obviously won’t transcend to your office, at least not hopefully. Still, the underlying concept will.
Think about it like this: Don’t be seen with the enemy.
For Biggie, being seen talking to the police could foreshadow a “plea bargain.” Maybe for you, talking to a rival company could foreshadow a “new business opportunity.”
Either way, fraternizing with the enemy might make your coworkers question your loyalty. Although you might not have any sneaky intentions, be careful, as it may create the appearance that you do.

10. A strong word called consignment. If you ain’t got the clientele say hell no.

Don’t find yourself in too deep in relation to some business ventures. Know when to say, “Hell no.”
Consignment means “agreeing to pay a supplier after the goods are sold.”
You may be interested in taking out a huge loan in attempt to get your startup off the ground. Make sure you “test the water,” so to speak, before handling business this way.
If you accept a sum of money or utilities to complete a task, and then flop, you’ll find yourself in hot water.
In the crack game, that may cost you your life; in a business sense, you may too find yourself “in a hole” you can’t dig yourself out of, financially.

This article was  written by