Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Glengarry Glen Ross Alec Baldwin speech

Glengarry Glen Ross is the story of a bunch of real estate agents who must sell or be fired. Which gave birth to one of the most inspirational speech ever given on a movie screen.

His watch worth more than your car.

Plot Summary : High-pressure salesman are always walking a thin, dangerous line between their main purpose in life (which is to deceive) and how they must appear (which is honest and genuine) . Whether or not a salesman truly believes he is selling a good product is immaterial. His main function is tell you what he thinks you want to hear so you will buy. He has to seem like he's doing you a favor by letting you buy from him. 
In an unforgettable scene near the beginning of the film, a corporate man named Blake (played with pompous intensity by an unusually effective Alec Baldwin) comes down to the small, crowded real estate office for a little pep talk with the salesmen. Actually, it's more like hazing. According to Blake, the top salesman wins a Cadillac, runner-up wins a set of steak knives, and everyone else is fired.   (source)

Tremendous motivation speech from master salesman Blake (Alec Baldwin) in 1992 movie Glengarry Glen Ross



Video: Glengarry Glen Ross, New Line Cinema 1992

Here is the entire Alec Baldwin's speech transcript

Alec Baldwin: Let me have your attention for a moment. 'Cause you're talkin' about what...you're talkin' 'bout...bitchin' about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch don't want to buy land, somebody don't want what you're selling, some broad you're trying to screw, so forth, let's talk about something important. Are they all here?

Kevin Spacey: All but one.

Baldwin: Well, I'm going anyway. Let's talk about something important. (sees Lemmon pouring coffee). Put that coffee down. Coffee's for closer's only. You think I'm fuckin' with you? I am not funkin' with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Mitch and Murray. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Levine?

Jack Lemmon: Yeah.

Baldwin: You call yourself a salesman, you son of a bitch.

Ed Harris: I don't gotta listen to this shit.

Baldwin: You certainly don't pal 'cause the good news is you're fired. The bad news is you got all you got, just one week to regain your job, starting with tonight, starting with tonight's sits. Oh, have I got your attention now? Good. 'Cause we're adding a little something to this month's sale contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is your fired. You get the picture? You laughing now? You got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them. You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close shit, you are shit, hit the bricks pal and beat it 'cause you are going out.

Lemmon: The leads are weak.

Baldwin: The leads are weak. The fuckin' leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business 15 years ...

Harris: What's your name?

Baldwin: Fuck you, that's my name. You know why mister? Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an 80,000 dollar BMW. That's my name. (To Lemmon) And your name is you're wanting. You can't play in the man's game, you can't close them? Then go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life. Get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me you fuckin' faggots.
(Flips the blackboard)

ABC. A, Always, B, Be, C, Closing. Always be closing. Always be closing. AIDA. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action. Attention. Do I have your attention? Interest. Are you interested? I know you are 'cause it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision. Have you made your decision for Christ? And action. AIDA. Get out there. You got the prospects coming in, you think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? (To Harris) What's the problem, pal?

Harris: You, boss, you're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here and wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?

Baldwin: You see this watch? You see this watch?

Harris: Yeah.

Baldwin: That watch costs more than your car. I made 970,000 dollars last year, how much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father. Fuck you, go home and play with your kids. You want to work here, close. You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cock-sucker. You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit. If you don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight, the materials you got, make myself 15,000 dollars. Tonight. In two hours. Can you? Can you?

   Go and do likewise. AIDA. Get mad you son-of-a-bitch. Get mad. You know what it takes to sell real-estate? It takes brass balls to sell real estate. Go and do likewise, gents. The money's out there, you pick it up, it's yours, you don't, I got no sympathy for you. You want to go out on those sits tonight and close, close, it's yours, if not, you're going to be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying. Bunch of losers sitting around in a bar: ''Oh yeah, I used to be a salesman. It's a tough racket.''

   These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They're for closers.  I'd wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. (To Harris) And to answer your question, pal: Why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to, they asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fuckin' ass because a loser is a loser.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Billionaire Gambler mission

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mr. Burns business tips

Mr. Burns: "I'll bide my time. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Mr. Burns: "Look Smithers, a blue-collar bar. Let's go slumming."

Mr. Burns: "This is the type of trickery I pay you for."

Mr. Burns, after turning on his lamp: "Ahh!! 60 watts? 
What do you think this is, a tanning salon!?!"

Mr. Burns: "What good is money if you can't use it to strike fear into the hearts of men."

Mr. Burns: "It's ironic, that this anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail! That's democracy for you."

Mr. Burns: "Oh, so mother nature needs a favor? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys."

Mr. Burns: "I don't have the strength to take it out on you, Smithers."

Mr. Burns: "I'll keep it short and sweet. Family. Religion. Friendship.
These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."

Mr. Burns: "Cheating is the gift man gives himself."

Mr. Burns: "My voice is giving out so I'm going to poke you for an hour or two."

Mr. Burns: "You sold weapon-grade plutoneum to the Iraqies without a mark up."

Mr Burns: "Oh, yes, sitting---the great leveler.
From the mighiest pharoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?"

Mr. Burns: "Restore my office, cancel all repairs,
and rehire that chap (Homer Simpson) who sassed me in the bar."

Smithers: "But why?"
Mr. Burns: "Because I keep my friends close, and my enemies even closer."

Smithers: "There is a small boy on the grounds."
Mr. Burns: "Release the hounds."

Source: http://www.callycumla.com/mr_burns.htm

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jordan Belfort vs Gordon Gekko


“Of all the drugs under God’s blue heaven, there is one that is my absolute favourite,” he says as the camera trains on DiCaprio cutting an enormous line with his credit card. “Enough of this shit will make you invincible — able to conquer the world and eviscerate your enemies,” he explains, staring at the drug. Unfolding the hundred-dollar bill he’s just used to snort powder up his nose, he clarifies that he’s talking about the money.


Gordon Gekko

  • “The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
  • “What’s worth doing is worth doing for money.”
  • “It’s all about bucks, kid. The rest is conversation.”
  • “Lunch is for wimps.”
  • “We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paperclip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it.”
  • “If you need a friend, get a dog”

Jordan Belfort

  • “Money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better pussy — it also makes you a better person.”
  • “The year I turned 26 I made $49 million, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.”
  • “I am not gonna die sober!”
  • “I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.”
  • “My Ferrari was white like Don Johnson’s in Miami Vice, not red.”


Mitt Romney vs Mr Burns