Monday, December 19, 2016

Donald TRUMP is the first Jewish President

Here below is a text wrote by capitalism evangelist, relentless self-promoter and millionaire republican Wayne Allyn Root originally published on November 20, 2016 on under the title: Trump is headed to the White House. Did we just elect our first Jewish president?

Donald Trump Jewish Israel

Just as Bill Clinton wasn’t black, but he was called “America’s first black president…
I believe Donald Trump should be called “America’s first Jewish president.”
I should know. I’m an Ivy League-educated Jewish kid from New York. 
Trust me, Donald Trump is as close as you can come to being our first Jewish president. 
The very unique traits that have made him a billionaire and now President of the United States are as Jewish as you can get!
Let me prove to you that Donald is our first Jewish president…
Donald is a lifelong New York businessman, who made his fortune in real estate. You can’t get more Jewish than that.
Well actually you can. His winter home Mar-a-Lago is on the East Coast of South Florida.
When he bought his Florida home and turned it into a popular and exclusive country club, he specifically opened the membership up to Jews. Mar-a-Lago was the first club that ever allowed Jews in Palm Beach. Donald changed the customs of the most-wealthy, WASP-y town in America to favor Jews.
Donald is family-oriented and clearly loves and dotes on all his children. He is bursting with pride at his children’s success. That could be the most Jewish trait of all. To Jews, family and children are everything.
Donald is your typical Jewish parent. Donald’s children are all Ivy League graduates- just like my daughter who recently graduated magna cum laude from Harvard. 
Donald’s daughter Ivanka has converted to orthodox Judaism. That makes Donald the first president in the history of America with orthodox Jewish grandkids.
Donald is handing his business over to his children. That is the goal of every Jewish businessman in history.
Donald is the most hardworking businessman I’ve ever met. That is a trait handed down to me by my Yiddish grandfather. I believe it is the main reason for the success of the Jewish people. I’ve been a workaholic, just like Donald, my entire life.
Donald has never worked for others. He owns all of his own businesses. My Jewish butcher father David Root taught me that 2 things mattered above all else in life- being a good father and always owning your own business.
Donald has more chutzpah than anyone I’ve ever met in my life. Chutzpah is a unique word that comes from the Yiddish language. It means you are so ambitious, you aim so high that people think you’re nuts. Donald aims higher than anyone who has ever lived. Now he’s President of the United States!
Donald is the most relentless person I’ve ever met. Relentless is a very uniquely Jewish trait. Jews are relentless fighters- we have survived thousands of years of hate, discrimination, persecution, robbery, slavery and murder. We haven’t just survived…we have thrived! I wrote the book, “The Power of RELENTLESS.” Of course it was endorsed by Mr. Relentless himself, Donald Trump.
Donald is a big success in Hollywood as a TV producer. He joins an exclusive club that is predominantly Jewish. I should know. I have created, Executive Produced and hosted hit TV shows my entire adult life.
Donald is a bigger-than-life personality. He has dynamic communication skills. He’s very charismatic, opinionated, ambitious, aggressive, combative, committed and passionate about his ideas and beliefs. He says whatever is on his mind, even if it offends. All of those are traits I’ve seen in my Jewish friends, relatives and business partners for my entire life.
Many of Donald’s political views and policies are tailor-made for Jews. He could be the most pro-Israel president in history. Donald will always stand with the Jews of Israel. 
How strong are Donald’s bonds to Israel? He was the Grand Marshal of the annual “Salute to Israel” parade.
The Jewish National Fund awarded Donald the “Tree of Life” award for his lifetime of support for the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Jewish Week found that Donald has given generously for many years to Jewish charities. A professor of “American Jewish History” calls Trump’s charitable giving to Jewish causes “impressive” and clearly out of the ordinary for a non-Jew.
His stance on “extreme vetting” and stopping the mass importation of Muslim refugees should be welcomed and enthusiastically embraced by every American Jew. Donald’s goal is the same as mine- keeping people out of our country who could commit acts of terrorism and who have an unnatural hatred and prejudice toward Jews.
One of Donald’s first priorities as president is to re-negotiate the Iran deal- perhaps the worst treaty ever negotiated in U.S. history and a danger to Israel’s future survival.
Donald is the strongest anti-terrorism president possible. He understands our enemy is radical Islam. He uses the words “Islamic extremist” in the same sentence. That alone makes Donald the best friend Jews ever had.
Amazingly, who was one of the very first world leaders to talk to Donald after his victory? Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. Coincidence?
Speaking of best friends, many of Donald’s friends, business partners, executives at the Trump organization, country club members at Mar-a-Lago and trusted lawyers and advisers are Jewish. No U.S. president has ever in history been surrounded by so many Jewish friends and advisers.
Trust me, by almost every possible measurement, we've just elected our first Jewish president.

Original publication:

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code

Why Are So Many Jews Millionaires? 

Jews are estimated to make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet approximately 25% of the world's billionaires are Jewish. Jews are always found on lists of the world’s richest people. In 2009, 139 of the Forbes 400 were Jewish. Jews also comprise a very large number of history’s most important figures, people who have had a profound impact on humanity. Approximately 35% of Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Jews. No other ethnic group has even come close to matching the abilities and accomplishments of Jews. 

Since such a large percent of the wealthiest and most successful people in the world are Jewish, a common question the world over is, “Why are so many Jews so wealthy?” Their secret lies not in their genetics or intelligence, as some have believed, but in their religion. Many of the wealthiest Jews use a code based on Judaism

You do not need to convert to Judaism or believe in religion to use The Money Code. “Religion has preserved history's greatest wisdom teachings,” says religious studies scholar Huston Cummings Smith. 

There are various methods of wealth creation; however, many are short-lived, unfulfilling, or hazardous. The ideal circumstance is to create long-lasting wealth, accompanied by peace of mind and fulfilment. This book will reveal the code that many Jews understand and use to their great advantage. The Money Code can be used by absolutely anyone to achieve long-term wealth and success in life.

We have something to learn from these people!

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the following questions:

Am I sick of being a penniless loser?

Am I tired of being a 9-to-5 whore?

Is my life's nothing more than a soul-crushing job, financial struggling and confortable poverty?

Do I feel entitled for more?

Will I ever get rich working for other people?

Am I resignated to my boring life or do I have any hope left?

9-to-5 SLAVERY

40 hours a week for 40 years is the definition of slavery and misery!

$500 cash a week (less two weeks of vacation) x 40 years = a million bucks - grocery, bills, living expenses, inflation, etc... = your wasting your life for nothing!

You aren't living you are existing...

But if you are reading this RIGHT NOW!
There is some hope that you are HUNGRY FOR MORE!!
That you feel that YOU DESERVE MORE out of life!!
If you are reading this. It's maybe a sight that you want to start living instead of surviving!

But there is HOPE for you!

You Only Live Once

You deserve to live a good life.

Nobody deserve to live in slavery and poverty!

Kill your inner slave and become You, Inc.

Wealth Is The Freedom To Do Whatever You Want

I offer you the 3 STEPS to Wealth and Freedom.
  1. You buy 3 BOOKS!
  2. You read them!
  3. You follow my blog.
That's it! That's all!
All the answers to your questions are in these 3 books.
You will learn more from these 3 books that you will ever learn from any college, university or MBA.

If you are too cheap and lazy to do it!
You deserve your life of misery and servitude.

These 3 BOOKS will change your mindset FOREVER!
  1. You will learn to believe in yourself.
  2. You will start to make real MONEY.
  3. You will live free and wealthy for the rest of your life.

Trust me, buying and READING these 3 books will give you access to all you ever dream of!
It worked for me!
It will work for you!
These BOOKS changed my life forever!
These BOOKS will change your life forever!

Don't be your own worst enemy!
Accept my offer to turn your life around for a few bucks!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.
Stop wasting your time and act TODAY!

Now it's time to turn your back to mediocrity and start LIVING the life YOU want to live and YOU deserve to live!


Rev Ike book is the Prosperity Gospel Bible


Millionaire Fastlane (Wealth and Rich code)


The Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffett & George Soros

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Health & Wealth


Monday, November 21, 2016

education system failure

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Yesterday is gone tomorrow may never come. Just like our beloved dog, we should learn to enjoy the moment.

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always learn

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4 ridiculous make Money fast schemes

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LOL :-)

What about selling a kidney?
