Saturday, September 3, 2016

Top 10 Tom Vu Quotes

“Do you think these girls like me? No! They like my Money.”

Top 10 Inspirational Tom Vu Quotes:
  1. “There’s an old American saying. It’s called, ‘Get off your butt and do it!’”
  2. “Today I could relax and enjoy life around my mansion. Watch the waterfall in the front, the waterfall in the back…the waterfall inside the house. I get tired of hearing the water running.”
  3. “Don’t listen to your friends. They’re losers!”
  4. “If you’re not willing to spend three free hours to learn from a self-made millionaire to maximize your opportunity, you deserve to be broke!”
  5. “I hope you enjoy seeing my waterfall as much as I do. I built this water fountain right in front of my estate so I feel good about it. I feel successful every time I come home.”
  6. “At first I got lots of discouragement from friends and strangers who are losers…I had to keep telling these people every time, ‘You are losers! Get out of my way!’”
  7. “A lot of people will tell you, ‘Don’t come to the seminar. It’s a get-rich-quick plan.’ Well, tell them it is a get-rich-quick plan because life is too short to get rich slow.
  8. “Today I’m going to show you how to drive a sports car. First, you need a lot of money!”
  9. “Do you think these girls like me? No! They like my money.”
  10. “Years ago, when I was a busboy at the country club I used to work at, one night I got all the guts in this world. I walked over to this nice old man, I give him some water and I say, ‘Sir, I’m giving you some water. Would you please tell me how to be rich like you, sir?’ And lucky for me, the old man say, ‘Well, stay after work and I show you how.’ I condense that old man’s secret into just three little words…three little words that helped me overcome all the obstacles in my life.’”
Tom Vu’s three little words were, Don’t give up.