Saturday, September 3, 2016

Top 10 Tom Vu Quotes

“Do you think these girls like me? No! They like my Money.”

Top 10 Inspirational Tom Vu Quotes:
  1. “There’s an old American saying. It’s called, ‘Get off your butt and do it!’”
  2. “Today I could relax and enjoy life around my mansion. Watch the waterfall in the front, the waterfall in the back…the waterfall inside the house. I get tired of hearing the water running.”
  3. “Don’t listen to your friends. They’re losers!”
  4. “If you’re not willing to spend three free hours to learn from a self-made millionaire to maximize your opportunity, you deserve to be broke!”
  5. “I hope you enjoy seeing my waterfall as much as I do. I built this water fountain right in front of my estate so I feel good about it. I feel successful every time I come home.”
  6. “At first I got lots of discouragement from friends and strangers who are losers…I had to keep telling these people every time, ‘You are losers! Get out of my way!’”
  7. “A lot of people will tell you, ‘Don’t come to the seminar. It’s a get-rich-quick plan.’ Well, tell them it is a get-rich-quick plan because life is too short to get rich slow.
  8. “Today I’m going to show you how to drive a sports car. First, you need a lot of money!”
  9. “Do you think these girls like me? No! They like my money.”
  10. “Years ago, when I was a busboy at the country club I used to work at, one night I got all the guts in this world. I walked over to this nice old man, I give him some water and I say, ‘Sir, I’m giving you some water. Would you please tell me how to be rich like you, sir?’ And lucky for me, the old man say, ‘Well, stay after work and I show you how.’ I condense that old man’s secret into just three little words…three little words that helped me overcome all the obstacles in my life.’”
Tom Vu’s three little words were, Don’t give up.


Rich Jerk (Get-Rich-Quick online)


Another one of a kind get-rich-quick program peddler...

His 5 RULES are true! (you can see it at 5:00)

What’s In The Rich Jerk Course Package?

The course comes in 4 sections:

Section 1: Ninja SEO Training 

For the life of me I cannot understand what’s with all this Ninja crap. Can’t they just call it SEO training? Or maybe you get a Black Belt and a Ninja Star at the end of the course.

a look at the rich jerk members page
The Rich Jerk Membership Area For Losers!

Anyways, the training comes with 5 PDF files and 5 videos 
  • Niche Research
  • How to Find Profitable Affiliate Offers
  • Build A Website
  • Content Silo Method
  • List Building
In addition, you’ll get a Case Study about Keyword Ranking.

Section 2: Facebook Marketing

This section is done by a successful Facebook Marketer. In this Case Study they cover everything you need to know how to make money with Facebook marketing strategies. They summarize it with a 2 hour video that shows the whole process.

Section 3: Launch Jacking

This is a very interesting topic and, to be honest, can be a real money maker IF you know how to do it correctly. What exactly is it? Here is a definition:
Launch Jacking is the art of successfully riding on the momentum of product launches. Why this is such a powerful strategy is whenever a new product launches there is typically a lot of buzz, meaning lots of people searching for that particular item (source:
This is a very extensive section that includes a total of 17 modules (PDF and Video) and covers EVERYTHING about Launch Jacking. They teach you from getting the right domain, to how to use WordPress, picking products, creating or outsourcing content, and link building. All-in-all a complete package as far as I can tell from the content list.

Section 4: A Little Bit Of Some Other Stuff

This looks like a “throw-some-other-stuff-in” bonus to make the package look bigger. Don’t get me wrong; I am not beating this section down. It contains some videos and ebooks from other successful folks showing what and how they did to make good money.

Tom Vu - "You Deserve to Be Broke!"

This guy is a scam but he is awesome nonetheless!

However his Top 10 quotes make sense and his material (and the babes) are certainly great motivational stuff.

Top 10 Tommy Vu Quotes:
  1. “There’s an old American saying. It’s called, ‘Get off your butt and do it!’”
  2. “Today I could relax and enjoy life around my mansion. Watch the waterfall in the front, the waterfall in the back…the waterfall inside the house. I get tired of hearing the water running.”
  3. “Don’t listen to your friends. They’re losers!”
  4. “If you’re not willing to spend three free hours to learn from a self-made millionaire to maximize your opportunity, you deserve to be broke!”
  5. “I hope you enjoy seeing my waterfall as much as I do. I built this water fountain right in front of my estate so I feel good about it. I feel successful every time I come home.”
  6. “At first I got lots of discouragement from friends and strangers who are losers…I had to keep telling these people every time, ‘You are losers! Get out of my way!’”
  7. “A lot of people will tell you, ‘Don’t come to the seminar. It’s a get-rich-quick plan.’ Well, tell them it is a get-rich-quick plan because life is too short to get rich slow.
  8. “Today I’m going to show you how to drive a sports car. First, you need a lot of money!”
  9. “Do you think these girls like me? No! They like my money.”
  10. “Years ago, when I was a busboy at the country club I used to work at, one night I got all the guts in this world. I walked over to this nice old man, I give him some water and I say, ‘Sir, I’m giving you some water. Would you please tell me how to be rich like you, sir?’ And lucky for me, the old man say, ‘Well, stay after work and I show you how.’ I condense that old man’s secret into just three little words…three little words that helped me overcome all the obstacles in my life.’”
According to the Ridiculous Infomercial Review, Vu’s three little words were, “Don’t give up.

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