Showing posts with label hip hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hip hop. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Swagg Man

Swagg Man is another one of many hip hop rappers who claim to be a multi millionaire. Former prison guard Rick Ross claimed to be "rich off cocaine" while Swagg Man claims to be a multi millionaire international real estate investor owning palaces, villas, residences, high-class appartments, and restaurants all around the world.

Born on December 23 1988, Swagg Man debuted his YouTuber rapper rapper career on 2009 AFTER making a fortune buying and selling properties in Florida and Dubai. Which mean that if we believe his many bios in french and english all over the web. He would have already made it at the very young age of 20 as a high-profile real estate investor??? It sound like a pro wrestling gimmick to me.

Two questions to ask yourself.

Would you buy real estate from this man?

Would a banker finance this guy's investment project?

No and no. In fact, his look and attitude would be huge handicap in the conservative high-level business and finance world.

Thus plus becoming a big real estate playa before the age of 21. No way! Not without an head start from a rich and influent daddy. Billionaire real estate mogul and right-wing Republican candidate Donald Trump had his start that way. His father Fred Trump, an affluent New York city real estate developer, taught him all he know and left him with an inheritance of up to $75 Millions.

Can the Swagg Man excels at this cut-throat game?

At least, the Swagg Man seems to have some swag...

Take a look at his official french and english bios on the net.

Swagg Man, est né le 23 décembre 1988, de son vrai nom Rayan Sanches est un Rappeur/Chanteur/Comedien/DJ franco-Americain d'origine Bresilio/Tunisienne.Il habite actuellement au Etats-Unis à Miami en Floride. 
Homme d'affaire averti, il est propriétaire de restaurants, d'immeubles (résidences, villas, appartements de haut standing) et de grand Palaces , a Miami, Brésil, Dubaï et en Tunisie. 

Il décida de monter son propre label S.W.M.Entertainment en 2012.C'est le seul Artiste rap indépendant Français ayant obtenu l'intégralité de ses titres dans le top 200 itunes.L'origine de sa fortune fait fantasmer ses fans ainsi que les médias.Elle serait estimée à plusieurs millions d'euros.

Young rapper and actor who has earned a major following on YouTube, posting music videos to the tune of more than 200,000 subscribers. He has sold out concerts, but his real presence resides online.


He debuted on YouTube in 2009 after making a fortune buying and selling properties in Miami and Dubai.


He has a tattoo that says "Everyday is my birthday" on his forehead and one that says "Louis Vuitton" on his head due to his sponsorship with the brand. He started his own clothing line and his own record label called S.W.M. Entertainment.


He was born Rayan Sanches and gave himself the name Swagg Man in 2009.

Swagg Man:

Swagg Man, est né le 23 décembre 1988, de son vrai nom Rayan Sanches est un Rappeur/Chanteur/Comedien/DJ franco-Americain d’origine Brésilio/Tunisienne. Il habite actuellement à Paris (75) dans le célèbre quartier du Triangle d'Or, il vit également au Etats-Unis à Miami en Floride


Ne voyant pas de déboucher pour lui à Nice, il part pour la capitale à 17 ans, avec seulement 100 euros en poche. A Paris, il vivra l’enfer de la rue. De petits boulots en petit boulot, il arrivera à faire fructifier son argent.
Homme d’affaire averti, il est propriétaire de restaurants, d’immeubles (résidences, villas, appartements de haut standing) et de grand Palaces , a Miami, Brésli, Dubaï et enTunisie.

Aucune maison de disque sachant voir son potentiel, il décida de monter son propre label S.W.M.Entertainment en 2012.

En 2014, il crée la surprise chacun des clips extraits de son futur album « M.S.T » dépassent le million de vus. (plus de 37 millions de vues sur sa chaine YouTube )

C’est le seul Artiste rap indépendant Français ayant obtenu l’intégralité de ses titres dans le top 200 itunes.

Il intrigue les médias, MTV, D8 ,TF1, NRJ12, Canal + se l’arrachent.

Il affole le net, sa page Facebook possède plus de 1.000.000 de membres !
Son album est devenu, l’un des plus attendu du milieu du hip hop, sortie prévu en fin d’année.

En parallèle, ses marques de vêtements « Posey Bro », « Jnouney » & «Only Cash Paris » seront lancées.

Image publique et controverse:

L’origine de sa fortune fait fantasmer ses fans ainsi que les médias.Elle serait estimée à plusieurs millions d’euros. On sait de lui qu’il a eu affaire à la justice plus d’une fois.


Black Card
Ma Bentley
J'ai pas le temps

(Photo: Lauren Carol Smith)
Swagg Man and his trademark Louis Vutton head tattoo

The Bullshit!

Claims to have $270,000 of tattoos

Swagg Man most likely enjoys spending (flushing Money down the toilet) on very expensive and useless things just for the purpose of showing off.

A very interesting character nonetheless.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The 10 Crack Commandments

How The 10 Crack Commandments Aren’t Just For Drugs, But Business Too

A very accurate and inspiring article written by 
When I first heard “Ten Crack Commandments,” I couldn’t have been older than 12.
To be honest, I really had no clue what those commandments meant. I figured the lyrics were full of “drug things” that I’d only understand once I saw “Scarface” a couple times. I was wrong. Well, kind of.
Sure, I started to understand the glaring drug references after watching Al Pacino become Tony Montana, but I also began to see new business analogies arise after becoming a man, myself.
I wrote an article applying themes from the hustler’s mindset to modern business strategy. I realized that if the “Ten Crack Commandments” could act as an anthem for the hustler, it should also be practical in the workplace.
And while Rap Genius does a great job of giving us the street-meaning of his bars, I feel as though there are more meaningful lessons we can take out of his lyrics.
For Biggie, crack meant work.
In fact, that’s why you’ll hear rappers refer to it as so. Here’s why the “Ten Crack Commandments” isn’t just for drugs, but for success too.

1. Never let no one know how much dough you hold

Biggie is saying: Don’t make yourself a target. While he’s actually referring to jealous thugs in the street, and the threat of robbery, this “commandment” is a good life lesson.
Just because you have something, doesn’t mean others have to know. People will always perceive the poor man to be hungrier than the fat cat. In many cases, hunger and ambition are synonymous.

2. Never let them know your next move

Here, BIG is alluding to avoiding getting set up in a drug deal, but it honestly applies to deals of any nature. In most “deals,” two or more parties agree on terms for mutual benefit.
In any good deal, you should strive to maximize your own benefits.
Be unpredictable, yet maintain control. By keeping your business partner guessing, you’ll ultimately gain leverage.
More importantly, you’ll ensure that no one gets too comfortable. That’s when you can grab the steering wheel.

3. Never trust nobody

DTA. Don’t. Trust. Anyone.
This one doesn’t need much explaining. Don’t trust anyone in the streets, don’t trust anyone in the office, don’t trust anyone, anywhere.
After loving someone, the next most powerful emotion you can invest in that person is trust.
Trust is by no means a prerequisite for business, remember that.

4. Never get high on your own supply

Whether in the crack game, or on Wall Street, never lose focus when it comes to your objective. Your resources are there to optimize your business worth, not your personal pleasure.
Getting high is temporary. The worth of your given product’s supply will predict your own future net worth.
Make sure you get the most out of it.

5. Never sell no crack where you rest at

Biggie is illustrating the dangers of mixing your business affairs with your personal life.
In the drug world, if customers aren’t satisfied, they’ll return to where they bought the product… for a resolution. In the crack game, that resolution won’t be peaceful.
Protect yourself, so that work problems remain in the workplace.
After you clock out, remove yourself entirely. If you have a family, spend time with those closest to you. If you have a girlfriend, take her out to dinner.
Make sure that these things don’t interfere with work and, more importantly, matters of work can’t interfere with them.

6. That goddamn credit? Dead it.

Money up front. Always.
In fact, money beforehand is ideal. Never provide someone a service without compensation offered on-sight.
Commandment three tells us not to trust anyone, and this is even more poignant when applied to matters of financial obligation or debt.
In the crack game, a fiend may “pay you back tomorrow.” In the corporate world, a business associate may ask to pay you after a task is completed.
Business operates best when terms are outlined and met beforehand. That way, nothing is left to chance. Whether it be money or quality.

7. Keep your family and business completely separated

Business is cutthroat. Frankly, there are bound to be times throughout your professional career when you‘ll make choices you’re not exactly proud about.
Entrepreneurs survive by creating their own paths and, sometimes, you’ll have to cut down others along the way.
It’s the nature of the business. You’ll operate best when you aren’t forced to watch whose feet you’re stepping on.
Although helping your best friend find work may seem like the right thing to do… if things were to turn sour, you put your relationship at risk.

8. Never keep no weight on you!

The weight Biggie is alluding to in this line is drug-weight, or crack. Along with that type of weight, comes liability.
In this commandment, BIG is warning you to remove yourself from any positions of liability.
In the workplace, competing firms will constantly be searching for ways to bring you or your company down. Protect your ass.

9. If you ain’t getting bagged stay the f*ck from police.

In Biggie’s eyes, the police were the enemy. This obviously won’t transcend to your office, at least not hopefully. Still, the underlying concept will.
Think about it like this: Don’t be seen with the enemy.
For Biggie, being seen talking to the police could foreshadow a “plea bargain.” Maybe for you, talking to a rival company could foreshadow a “new business opportunity.”
Either way, fraternizing with the enemy might make your coworkers question your loyalty. Although you might not have any sneaky intentions, be careful, as it may create the appearance that you do.

10. A strong word called consignment. If you ain’t got the clientele say hell no.

Don’t find yourself in too deep in relation to some business ventures. Know when to say, “Hell no.”
Consignment means “agreeing to pay a supplier after the goods are sold.”
You may be interested in taking out a huge loan in attempt to get your startup off the ground. Make sure you “test the water,” so to speak, before handling business this way.
If you accept a sum of money or utilities to complete a task, and then flop, you’ll find yourself in hot water.
In the crack game, that may cost you your life; in a business sense, you may too find yourself “in a hole” you can’t dig yourself out of, financially.

This article was  written by 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Billionaire CEO with face tattoos

 Bryan "Birdman" Williams ($160 million)

Birdman’s number would be over $300 million if he didn’t share his fortune with brother Ronald “Slim” Williams, with whom he cofounded Cash Money Records two decades ago.

Birdman-SouljaBoy 'Rich Gang' face tattoos

On Monday (March 11, 2013), the Cash Money Records honcho posted a photo on Twitter of himself with the Rich Gang emblem from his latest mixtape etched into the side of his face. “RichGang.” YMCMBoss,” he wrote with the photo.
Three days prior, Soulja Boy posted a picture on Instagram of himself with a similar Rich Gang tattoo, except his is written in block letters.

The only centimillionaire CEO on earth
with so many shitty tattoos on his face.

His cash cow

Birdman, who is covered from head to toe in tattoos, unveiled his newest artwork — the initials “GTV” and the Trukfit logo. The GTV is located on the top of his head and it stands for his Grand Touring Vodka brands. The Trukfit image of Lil Wayne‘s clothing line sits on the lower part of his cheekbone. “GTV.TRUK Fit.RichGang.YMCMB,” he tweeted out to his followers.

Obviously, the tats are in honor of Cash Money’s latest business ventures outside of music. At this point, Birdman will be running out of room for any additional ink. Among some of his past artwork includes the infamous 5-star tats which cover his noggin and the “B” and “W” tats (for “Bryan Williams”) on his right and left biceps.

Baby & Wayene
Perfect pic with a lot of ink and bling!