Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pill like NZT from Limitless without risk - L-Theanine and Caffeine nootropic stack

The recommended L-Theanine + Caffeine dosage is 2:1.
200 ml of Theanine and 100 ml of Caffeine. Keeping it at this small dosage to keep the effectiveness since you can build a tolerance to caffeine.

The boost of caffeine without the jitters and crashes.
Focus and productivity without the devastating side effects and high addictive potential of Adderall (amphetamines).

Monday, April 13, 2020

Top 10 World's Richest People

One-Person Startups (Infographic)

The 10 largest one-person startups in the world. All are internet / digital businesses. Unfortunately they were afraid to include the biggest porn sites. Those who draw billion of visits and millions in profit a year.

Original post:

Brought to you by one-person startup

6 Corporations That Own all media

Here are The Big 6 who controls all media including 24-hour news stations, newspapers, publishing houses, Internet utilities, and even video game developers.

As you will see The Big 6 media conglomerate hold tremendous power over the life of citizens worldwide. You can't imagine the holding of these corporations without seeing the following infographic.

Full article:

Brought to you by future media conglomerate