Showing posts with label womanizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label womanizer. Show all posts

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Donald Trump Billionaire Playboy

Before being the 45th President of the United States of America Donald Trump is a Billionaire real estate mogul and a lover of beautiful women.

Here are some of Mr. President's best moments.

Melania Knauss - 2004

Victoria Silvstedt - 2001

Miss USA 2006 Tara Conner - 2006

Bridget Marks - 1993

Another Playboy hopeful

Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez - 2010

His daughter Ivanka Trump - 1996

Jennifer C and Melania Knauss - 2004

His daughter Ivanka Trump - 2016

Melania Trump and Heidi Klum - 2008

Victoria Silvstedt and Melania Knauss - 2003

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants - 1999

Megan Mullally - 2005

Megan Mullally - 2005

Kylie Bax - 1999

Miss New York and Miss Connecticut - 1999

Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton - 2009

Former Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins - 2011

Pamela Anderson - 2005

Marla Maples and model Roshumba Williams - 1996

Marla Maples and Roshumba Williams - 1996

Katie Couric - 2004

Paula Zahn and Richard Cohen - 1992

Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo - 2012

Miss Universe, Venezuela's Alicia Machado - 1997

Playmate Lisa

Barbara Walters - 1989

Faith Daniels - 1992


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kid Rock $ucce$$ with Women

Ugly Kid Rock with sex symbol Pamela Anderson
Rockstar Kid Rock married sex-symbol
Pamela Anderson

"My success with women picked up around the 14 millionth record I sold. I know what it was about – I don’t exactly look like Brad Pitt."
                                                     -- Kid Rock

Millionaire redneck Kid Rock drunk
Millionaire redneck Kid Rock
with PGA golf pro John Daly

"I’m not just wealthy, I’m loaded. I can say that because I’m not embarrassed – I’ve made a fuck-ton of money, but I’ve never made a dishonest dollar. I try to do right by the people around me."
                                                     -- Kid Rock


Monday, November 3, 2014

Jesse Livermore

Jesse Livermore
Stock Operator Extraordinaire

Born in 1877 and died in 1940, Jesse Livermore is the greatest trader / speculator who ever lived.  At his peak in 1929, Jesse Livermore was worth more than $100 millions.  He would have been richer than Bill Gates in today's money.  An unseen feat for a self-taugh / self-made stock and commodities trader who ONLY TRADED HIS OWN MONEY, not Other People Money like today investment's superstars who heads investment banks and hedge funds..  With Bernard Baruch, he was one of the original trend followers.

Loner, individualist, suffering from severe episodes of depression, probably bipolar disorders who eventually took his life, Jesse Livermore made and lost four colossal fortunes during his lifetime.  Make two of his fortunes during stock market crashes periods, in 1907 and 1929, short-selling stocks.  Which earned him $3 millions in 1907 and $100 millions in 1929.  While everyone was losing their shirt, the astute Jesse Livermore was on top of the world!

Unlike the miser Warren Buffett, Livermore was living the life.  At his peak, he owned a series of mansions in several countries, each fully staffed with about 20 or 25 servants year-round, a fleet of limousines and several Rolls Royce cars (my favorites), lot of chauffeurs, yatchs, and regularly threw lavish parties.

The second best book you can get! 

Jesse Livermore also had a ticker tape in every home that he owned, on his railway cars, on his yachts.

Jesse Livermore the womanizer
His affinity for hot gals cost him a lot of money.

The favorite book of Jesse Livermore 
and Bernard Baruch, another legendary trader.

Another one of Livermore's favorite book.

The 3 things that made him an extraordinary trader

- His love of numbers
- Determination to educate himself 
- Being a keen observer.

Now, here are some investment wisdoms from Jesse Livermore. 

- Emotional control (crucial and vital for any trader and gambler)
- Knowledge of economics and fondamentals
- Trade with the trends (Buy in a bull market and short in a bear market)
- Don't trade when there is no clear opportunities.
- Patience.  Let your profits run.
- Trade the leading stocks in each sector.
- Don't average down a losing position.
- Add to winning positions.
And in my view, the most important...
- Experience.  Learn from your mistakes.

"Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the suckers change, the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes, because human nature never changes."  - Jesse Livermore

"Successful traders always follow the line of least resistance. Follow the trend. The trend is your friend." - Jesse Livermore

"It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting." - Jesse Livermore