Showing posts with label receipt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label receipt. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Floyd Mayweather $123 MILLION bank account

Floyd Mayweather is "a big proponent of maximum liquidity", which mean he keeps $123 MILLION in a single bank account. After the stock market crash of 2008, I can understand this kind of hoarding. However bank accounts are only insured for a maximum of $250,000 in case of bank's bankruptcy. Oups!

Sources and interesting links:

Hedge fund manager $100 Million bank account

David Tepper $100 Million atm receips
David Tepper $100 Million atm receips

Hedge fund manager extraordinaire David Tepper left behind him a receipt indicating an available balance of $99,864,731.94 after using an ATM machine to withdraw $400.

With such an amount of Money sleeping at 0.5% a year, maybe David Tepper doubts his own abilities as a Money-maker. 

As a multi-Billion dollars hedge fund manager, David Tepper should put his Money were his mouth is.
