Showing posts with label pimp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pimp. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Club Epstein

The main source for the following article is James Altucher, a reputable author, blogger, genius, and Wall Street investor. 

By answering a quora question, James Altucher demystified the Jeffrey Epstein's source of wealth.

It seem that Jeffrey Epstein wasn't an hedge fund manager / money manager at all. There is absolutely zero evidence that he operated as such.

In reality, Jeffrey Epstein was a satyriasis (the masculine of nymphomaniac) and had the money to treat himself 3 times a day with young girls and he turned it into an industry. Just like I did with my porn websites!

"Hedge Fund"

The "hedge fund" was just a story so people could explain why they were wiring him Money. Epstein also created dozens of shell companies to mask his elaborate sex ring.

"Philanthropy meetings"

For decades, Epstein hung out with Presidents, country leaders, royalty, Billionaires, financiers, philanthropists, Nobel Prize winners, top scientists, A-list celebrities, etc. These relationships were tradable commodities for him. Through Epstein you had the opportunity to met members of the global elite. So it was a reasonable excuse to visit him on his private island.

Security and privacy

The protection from government (through his massive connections and philanthropy presence).

P.S. (Not so private and secure because it seem that all the dignitaries who were serviced by young gals were recorded. Oups!)

Young girls

Jeffrey Epstein's actual business was as a concierge for the wealthy and private. He secured companionship, threw exclusive parties, arranged for private and discreet meetings with young pretty girls.

He ran a very exclusive social club. One with the largest private residence in New York City, a private island in the Bahamas, private jets with discreet crews, fast boats etc. His real talent though was finding young pretty girls/women - about half were gold diggers in their younger 20s - that where treated and used as luxury goods. Indeed they are. 

Club Epstein

Club Epstein.

Little Saint James is a private island of the United States Virgin Islands, off the coast of St. Thomas. 
  • In 2019, the island was valued at $63,874,223. 
  • Had a discreet 70 staff. 
  • The area covered by the island is 70–78 acres (28–32 ha) or if you prefer 0.28–0.32 square km (0.11–0.12 sq mi).
Was owned by Jeffrey Epstein as his primary residence from 1998 until his 2019 death and he called the island "Little St. Jeff". Through the years, the island acquired several nicknames as "Island of Sin", "Pedophile Island", "Pedo Island", "Paedo Island", "Orgy Island", and the "Isle of Babes".

 A large bed installed on the jet where guests had group sex with young girls

"Lolita Express" Boeing 727-200 private jet. 

  • A three-engine commercial jet with a capacity of nearly 200 passengers, but tailored into a luxury 29-passenger with dual-cabin privacy.
  • Logged 600 hours of fly time a year.
  • "Lolita Express" was part of his $80 Million fleet of aircraft.
  • Had padded floors for mid-flight wild orgies.

Manhattan mansion. 
  • Valued at somewhere between $55 to $77 Million. 
  • Seven-story, 21,000-square-foot Upper East Side home near Central Park. 

Socialite and ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell was his recruiter.

In resume,

He set up the island, the procurement of young girls, the facade of respectability, the protection from government (through his massive connections and philanthropy presence). Then you can do whatever the fuck you want on the island.

Then he probably pitched rich foreign billionaires (sheikhs, dictators, etc) and said, “if you put money in my fund, you can have access to my island, and by the way, lots of young girls on my island and it’s all VERY SECURE AND PRIVATE”.

THAT was his product.

That is obviously not an easy product to build. And it’s a product that was apparently in demand by at least a few wealthy, or connected, and corrupt billionaires, royalty, world leaders, etc.

He sold it to all takers.

Let’s say “membership” in Club Epstein was $20 Million.

Every single dictator in the world can afford that. Almost every single royal person in the world can afford that.

Various foreign corrupt businessmen can afford that without thinking of it.

30 members and Epstein has $600 Million.

That’s how he made his Money.

Two days before Jeffrey Epstein his suicide he signed a will where he disclosed his assets.

  • $56 million in cash
  • $113 million in equities
  • $14 million in bonds
  • $195 million invested with hedge funds
  • $178 million combined value of six properties

When Jeffrey totaled his entire net worth up, he estimated it to be worth exactly $577,672,654.

Although, that number could be higher because it does not include assets put into a trust which are not made public. Technically not a Billionaire but just like one. As Mr. Altrucher stated, anyone with $100 Million or more can live like a Billionaire.

Which made Jeffrey Epstein the Richest Pimp Of All Time. And I'm pretty sure he never wore a colorful suit, a big hat, a shitload of jewelry nor made it to the Players Ball.
Pimping ain't easy, but its necessary - Abraham Lincoln

A lot of Epstein's Billionaire "friends" were surely relieved by the death of their disgraced "wingman" and the burrial of his secrets.

If you liked this article, go check my x-rated version of Club Epstein.

Filthy Rich: A Powerful Billionaire,
 the Sex Scandal that Undid Him,
 and All the Justice that Money Can Buy:
 The Shocking True Story of Jeffrey Epstein

Sources and related links:,_U.S._Virgin_Islands

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

American Pimp (1999) full movie

American Pimp (Documentary Film 1999)

American Pimp - 1 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 2 of 9
American Pimp - 2 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 3 of 9
American Pimp - 3 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 4 of 9
American Pimp - 4 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 5 of 9
American Pimp - 5 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 6 of 9
American Pimp - 6 of 9 by kennymac  American Pimp - 7 of 9
American Pimp - 7 of 9 by kennymac American Pimp - 8 of 9

American Pimp - 8 of 9 by kennymac

"Green's for the money, Gold's for the honey..."
Bishop Don Magic Juan

The official colors of the

Sources and interesting links:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Eric Grenier

Un personnage fascinant qui pretendait etre le Hugh Hefner du Quebec...

A shady businessman who pretended to be the Hugh Hefner of Quebec...

En moins bonne compagnie

Propriétaire du bar de danseuses Le Garage, à Mirabel, du magazine pour adultes Québec Érotique ainsi que de plusieurs salons de massage, Éric Grenier - le bum de la télésérie.

Éric Grenier est un homme d’affaires pas comme les autres. Originaire de Val-d’Or, en Abitibi, il s’est installé à Montréal il y a une dizaine d’années (2000). « J’ai d’abord ouvert un centre de jardinage, puis le club (de danseuses) Le Garage et des salons de massage. J’ai aussi fondé la revue Québec érotique », explique M. Grenier en entrevue. Le Garage est une boîte aux allures de discothèque et l’établissement peut accueillir 400 personnes.

Éric Grenier, qui se décrit comme un amateur de designers italiens, du soleil du Mexique, de bijoux, de femmes sexy et de tatouages, il porte également au cou une chaîne avec un médaillon frappé de l'inscription 666 en guise d'appui aux Hells Angels.

«Il ne porte pas de veston ni de cravate mais il affectionne les designers italiens, les bijoux, le soleil du Mexique, les femmes sexy et les “tattoos”»,

«Dans ce milieu-là, tu côtoies un paquet de monde. Si j'étais si proche que ça des motards, je serais en prison. Je suis encore en liberté, je suis un honnête citoyen et j'ai une montre de 100 000 $ dans le bras»,

 Produit par IDI, une compagnie appartenant à Anne-Marie Losique, Le bum, les belles et la brute se décline en six épisodes de 30 minutes qui détaillent le mode de vie extravagant d'Éric Grenier : virées en hélicoptère, lave-auto sexy et autres tournois de golf extrêmes. Le tout, sans tabous.

Au printemps 2010, Éric Grenier, qui est également propriétaire du magazine Québec Érotique et de plusieurs salons de massage, avait également fait les manchettes lorsqu’il s’était associé à un docu-réalité produit par Anne-Marie Losique et appelé Le bum, les belles et la brute.

Éric Grenier, qui porterait continuellement des breloques démontrant son appui aux Hells Angels, aurait des liens avec plusieurs hommes d’affaires des Basses-Laurentides, notamment à Terrebonne. Il est vu régulièrement aux galas de boxe et de combats extrêmes.

L’entreprise d’Éric Grenier emploie 100 personnes. « C’est beaucoup de monde à gérer, mais j’ai une bonne équipe avec moi », ajoute M. Grenier.

On Nov. 20, 2012, Grenier, who claims to be a professional poker player making $50,000 annually

The 41-year-old businessman admitted in a Quebec court that he paid no income tax despite owning five businesses.

La poursuite faisait valoir que Grenier avait joué un rôle de financier et de chef d'orchestre des importations, qu'il a été motivé par l'argent, «qu'il a opéré plusieurs entreprises rentables durant des années et qui pouvait gagner jusqu'à 50 000$ par année durant des tournois professionnels de poker».

Il déplorait la saisie de 20 kilos de cocaïne et précisait avoir perdu $500,000 qu'il avait investis pour l'achat de la drogue.

Les démêlés d’Éric Grenier avec la justice

Hiver 2010
Ses liens avec les Hells Angels sont révélés devant la Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, alors qu’on l’empêche d’acquérir un bar de la rue Sainte-Catherine.

10 juillet 2010
Dans un litige impliquant la revue Québec Érotique, le juge Pierre Nollet reproche à Éric Grenier de vivre «en marge de la loi». Grenier lui avait admis qu’il ne déclarait aucun revenu à l’impôt, malgré ses cinq entreprises. À lui seul, son magazine générait des revenus de 400 000 $ par an.

24 juillet 2011
Il est arrêté pour avoir menacé des patrouilleurs nautiques du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal dans une écluse entre les lacs Saint-Louis et des Deux-Montagnes. Il leur aurait dit qu’il «connaît du monde» dans le milieu criminel et qu’il n’y avait «rien de plus facile» que d’en trouver «pour moins de 100 $» afin de tabasser les policiers.
Novembre 2012

À la suite d’une enquête des policiers de la Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) américaine, il est arrêté au Pérou, où il participe à un tournoi de poker, afin d’être extradé à New York pour y avoir comploté l’importation de 20 kg de cocaïne. Il est reconnu coupable en mars 2014.

Juillet 2014
Un homme d’affaires de Terrebonne a tenté de réclamer 286 623 $ pour un bateau abîmé au lac des Deux-Montagnes. La réclamation lui a été refusée puisqu’il ne servait que de prête-nom: le vrai propriétaire de l’embarcation est Éric Grenier, a conclu le juge François Duprat.

Mon Verdict / My two cents

Un gars devenu riche (en tout cas en apparence) a partir de rien. Quoiqu'un sejour en prison (enfer) au Perou, ca n'a pas de prix!

It's all about the Money! But don't mess with the law!