Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The best way to learn about the WINNING philosophy of Donald Trump is to read his books.


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Friday, April 15, 2016

Billionaire Romance

I didn't know that a genre of novels aiming at a female audience was called Billionaire Romance!?! 

The popular genre is described as: Best falling in love with a millionaire/billionaire/king/wealthy man/CEO.

Hey women! Don't tell us anymore that Money didn't matter.

However the book cover didn't show us the real thing. The Billionaire is always portrayed by an often bare chested muscular hunk. Instead of showing us the reality. The typical Billionaire is either a fat 70 years old man with bad hair (AKA Donald Trump) or an ill-dressed aging nerd with thick glasses (AKA Bill Gates).

The Fantasy
The harsh reality

Billionaire Romance? I don't see any pretty boy here!
From left to right: Carlos Slim ($50 Billion), Bill Gates ($75 Billion), and Donald Trump ($4.5 Billion).

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Al Capone business how to

Al Capone was taking in about $105,000,000 a year in revenues in the 1920's, or about 1.4 billion in today's dollars.

At 21 years old, he was an unknown bartender and bouncer. But by the age of 28, he was one of the richest and most powerful gangsters in the world. From these days, his name will forever synonymous with the word gangster.

It is estimated that by 1929, Al Capone's income from the various aspects of his business was $60,000,000 (illegal alcohol), $25,000,000 (gambling establishments), $10,000,000 (vice) and $10,000,000 from various other rackets. It is claimed that Capone was employing over 600 gangsters to protect this business from rival gangs.

Here is a very interesting text by

Business Advice from Uncle Al ... (Capone, That Is)
Al Capone might not have been your typical entrepreneur. After all, he was convicted of tax evasion and was actively involved in prostitution, bribery, smuggling and selling illegal booze. But just because his business wasn't legal doesn't mean Capone didn't know a thing or two about running a successful operation. In fact, Capone owned more than 300 businesses and knew how to get things done and command respect and loyalty from his employees.
In fact, Capone's business acumen may well have been one of his greatest assets, according to Deirdre Marie Capone, Al Capone's grandniece who lived in the house of her famous (and favorite) uncle. Capone, the last member of the family born with the Capone name, authored an explicit memoir that details her efforts to hide the fact that she was related to Capone and recounts her decision to eventually embrace her name and family history.
The book, "Uncle Al Capone…The Untold Story From Inside His Family" (Recap Publishing, 2011), tells many never-before-known facts about this iconic figure's life, death and business dealings.
In the book, she recalls what life was like as a child growing up in the Capone household and shares fond memories of the man who taught her to ride a bike, swim and play the mandolin. 
Capone said she knows what the "family" was really like, and what the "outfit" was all about. In her tell-all book, she shares details untold until now, including her claims that that Ralph (Al's older brother) and Al Capone lobbied the Nevada legislature to legalize gambling, alcohol and prostitution in that state; that they were the owners of the first upscale casino in Las Vegas way before Bugsy Siegel came to Vegas, and what really happened in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

In an exclusive interview with BusinessNewsDaily, Capone gives us some business tips that could have come directly from her notorious uncle.
  • You're only as good as your word. Al Capone ran a very efficient business, she said. He taught every person who worked for him: "Your word should be your bond."
  • Remember where you came from.When Al Capone saw one of his employees strut around acting like a big shot, he would tell him: "Don't let your head get too big for your hat."
  • Be honest with your business partners. Ralph and Al Capone needed to give orders just once to the employees and they were expected to do their jobs correctly. Al Capone would instruct them, "Don't lie to the people you work for."
  • Remember, it's never easy. Al Capone at one time ran more than 300 different establishments. When a reporter wrote about how easy it was for him to make money, he was quoted as saying. "Find out what it's like to run a business and meet a payroll."
  • Earn your customers' loyalty. Al Capone supplied good quality alcohol to the citizens in Chicago from 1920 to 1931 during Prohibition. He was quoted by a reporter as saying "Be loyal to friends and invincible to enemies."


Here is another interesting text named Mob Movie Lessons: The Untouchables published by Mr. Mafioso on

A kind word and a gun

In The Untouchables, Capone says: “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word alone.” This statement is the foundation of Capone’s kingdom. He ran Chicago and he took over the bootlegging racket because he was feared. I’m not saying violence is the answer, but what I am saying is that a Mafioso is feared. In the movie, Capone blows up a bar that wouldn’t buy his beer. What do you think the next bar owner is going to do? He’s going to buy Capone’s beer because he fears him. You don’t need to blow anything up, but people gotta understand that you mean business.

Bribe if need be

Another trademark of Alphonse Capone that was shown in The Untouchables was his success in bribing city officials. He knew where and when Eliot Ness was going to organize a raid because half the city’s police force was on his payroll. His men had permits to carry concealed weapons signed by the mayor. Why? Because the mayor was on his payroll. When he goes to court, the jury is paid off and the judge is paid off. Capone made sure that the city officials ran the city the way he wanted them to. He knew that whatever money was spent in bribing officials was a good investment. He was a master at bribing people, and Capone showed that bribery can go a long way.

Get the right people

After his first alcohol raid failed miserably, Eliot Ness realized he had the wrong people. His answer came from the Irish beat cop Malone (Sean Connery) who said: “If you don’t want rotten apples, don’t get them from the barrel — get them from the tree.” Ness couldn’t work with the Chicago police force because most of the force, including the chief of police, were being paid off by Capone. Instead, Ness and Capone go to the Police Academy to recruit "greenies" who hadn’t been corrupted yet. His crew was small, but Ness had the right people on board.

Cover all your tracks

Capone was good about keeping himself out of trouble; he covered his tracks well, but he didn’t cover all of his tracks. He hadn’t paid an income tax in years. In fact, Capone showed no income at all on his tax documents. It was this discovery that eventually brought him down on income tax evasion charges. Had he only showed a small income, had he but paid a small amount of taxes, the story of Al Capone might have ended much differently. He might have been around much longer and grown his empire much larger. That’s why you gotta cover all your tracks; you could go down because of the smallest thing. You can never be too thorough when covering your tracks.

stronzo scene

Alphonse Capone’s first big mistake was to publicly show off what he had accomplished. Instead of laying low and enjoying his position at the top of the Chicago food chain, Capone spoke to reporters constantly. He made sure everyone knew just how successful he was. He owned and lived in the Lexington Hotel. Everything he did was eccentric and extravagant. That was all well and good in Chicago, where he had even the Mayor on his payroll, but once the federal government took notice, his demise began. Run your rackets and keep your head low. Don’t make yourself a celebrity and your operation will last a lot longer, capisce?


Monday, November 3, 2014

Jesse Livermore

Jesse Livermore
Stock Operator Extraordinaire

Born in 1877 and died in 1940, Jesse Livermore is the greatest trader / speculator who ever lived.  At his peak in 1929, Jesse Livermore was worth more than $100 millions.  He would have been richer than Bill Gates in today's money.  An unseen feat for a self-taugh / self-made stock and commodities trader who ONLY TRADED HIS OWN MONEY, not Other People Money like today investment's superstars who heads investment banks and hedge funds..  With Bernard Baruch, he was one of the original trend followers.

Loner, individualist, suffering from severe episodes of depression, probably bipolar disorders who eventually took his life, Jesse Livermore made and lost four colossal fortunes during his lifetime.  Make two of his fortunes during stock market crashes periods, in 1907 and 1929, short-selling stocks.  Which earned him $3 millions in 1907 and $100 millions in 1929.  While everyone was losing their shirt, the astute Jesse Livermore was on top of the world!

Unlike the miser Warren Buffett, Livermore was living the life.  At his peak, he owned a series of mansions in several countries, each fully staffed with about 20 or 25 servants year-round, a fleet of limousines and several Rolls Royce cars (my favorites), lot of chauffeurs, yatchs, and regularly threw lavish parties.

The second best book you can get! 

Jesse Livermore also had a ticker tape in every home that he owned, on his railway cars, on his yachts.

Jesse Livermore the womanizer
His affinity for hot gals cost him a lot of money.

The favorite book of Jesse Livermore 
and Bernard Baruch, another legendary trader.

Another one of Livermore's favorite book.

The 3 things that made him an extraordinary trader

- His love of numbers
- Determination to educate himself 
- Being a keen observer.

Now, here are some investment wisdoms from Jesse Livermore. 

- Emotional control (crucial and vital for any trader and gambler)
- Knowledge of economics and fondamentals
- Trade with the trends (Buy in a bull market and short in a bear market)
- Don't trade when there is no clear opportunities.
- Patience.  Let your profits run.
- Trade the leading stocks in each sector.
- Don't average down a losing position.
- Add to winning positions.
And in my view, the most important...
- Experience.  Learn from your mistakes.

"Wall Street never changes, the pockets change, the suckers change, the stocks change, but Wall Street never changes, because human nature never changes."  - Jesse Livermore

"Successful traders always follow the line of least resistance. Follow the trend. The trend is your friend." - Jesse Livermore

"It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting." - Jesse Livermore